Thursday, May 8, 2008

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The wait is almost over!

My baby will be 3 months next week. Why is that an incredibly exciting milestone for me?? Because he's finally old enough to go to the baby room at the gym!!! I've been feeling a little crazy lately and I think it's because I haven't been able to really exercise since he's been born. For some reason going from 3 to 4 has been a lot harder for me than any other transition and the thought of getting up early to hit the gym before hubby heads to work or waiting to go until after the kids go to bed is just overwhelming. But now that I'll be able to go during the day again, I feel like it's almost like a little vacation for me while someone else takes care of the kids. So next Monday is the big day and I'm counting down the hours.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Right On - Tara. I too love that my children enjoy cheering me on at a race and more importantly that they enjoy being active themselves. Already, our kids are learning the importance of physical activity and they see it as fun. I often see my 4yr old doing sprints or lunges (obviousy copying me) and I'll ask her what she is doing and she'll tell me she is working out to keep her heart healthy. I love that she says that and not because I want to be skinny or too win the race, so for sure these little ones are not only watching what we do, but they are listening to what we say. Now don't get me wrong ladies I still would like to achieve some of my own personal goals, which won't win me any races, but I'm cool with that!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Raise your hand if you're a runner

I'm not going to lie, I'd like to be fast. I'd like to be fast enough that I can win races or at least win my age group. And not just at races where there's only one other person in my age group... and she's walking. But in these last few weeks I've been forced to reevaluate my running goals and accept that I may never be leading the pack. But while driving my husband to the airport last week, I realized that there's a lot more to running than being fast.

I was thinking about getting back into running. I haven't been running at all for a long time so I thought it would be fun to do a race with my 8 year old son. It would help me ease into running again and force me to slow down and just enjoy it. So I asked if he'd like to do a 5k with me in a few months. He was a little nervous about the thought of 3 miles. He did a 1 mile race a while back and after starting the race in an all out sprint, the second half of the race was pretty rough for him, so he wondered if he could finish 3 miles. So we talked about training and going out slow. And then during this conversation, my 3 year old son yelled, "I want to do a race! I want to do a race!" And then my 2 year old daughter chimed in as well that she wanted to run a race too. I kind of laughed and told them they could do a race too and then my 3 year old yelled, "I want to be a runner!" And that was it. I just felt so proud that my kids wanted to be like me. And I realized that I could come in dead last in every race and they wouldn't care. They just loved to come to races and to see me wave when I ran by. I can't wait to race again. My kids think I win every time and who am I to tell them otherwise?

Monday, February 25, 2008

Allright so I did my first training run for the GW Classic 10miler. Andrea (the saint) helped me create a schedule, so that I can hopefully achieve my goal of running the 10miles in 80minutes. I'll be sending out an email to our group to see if anyone wants the schedule and Andrea said it is easy to tweak based on your goal.

Anyway, I'm kinda freaking out now that I've actually put it out there because what if I can't do it. I know that I've done faster miles, but only for shorter distances. And my normal running rhythm is 8:15's not 8:00minute miles. I'm too competitive with myself and if I don't do it I'm going to feel like a total loser. I'm trying to get these thoughts out of my head so that I can really focus on the training, which I'm sure will make me a stronger runner. Okay only positive thoughts - I can totally achieve this goal!!!! I know that you all are not neccessarily trying for the same time, but I hope that we can hook up for some of the longer runs even if we don't run together the whole time. And there are several shorter runs 2-4mi. that need to be done at 9:30 pace too!

Sunday, February 24, 2008


Also, I love our team name. It makes me laugh. But I'm always walk the line between quirky and just plain odd, so if you want to change it I won't be offended.


Finally getting faster

I started running in August 2006. It was a huge lifestlye change for me. I have never ever in my life had a significant commitment to "working out" or physical fitenss. I always wanted to be one of those people who goes to the beach and runs on the sand in the early morning, but I never was. Not even close.

I found my SeeMommyRun group through my husband. Weird, I know. But he is a Runner. That's right, a runner with a capital "R," and he coaches high school runners. One of the women he coaches with is in our group and she told him about it and he told me. So, I found SMR through my husband. I first came out as a committed walker. But, then I realized that from a fitness standpoint you get so much more bang for your buck if you run! But, I had NEVER been an athelete or a runner type, and the transition was daunting.

Enter husband, again. He hooked me up with a good book, and I started training with an interval program out of Daniel's Running formula, second edition. I was very ordered and cerebral about it, following the program with commitment. I didn't actually believe I could actually accomplish my goal of being able to run for 30 minutes without walking. Following the program gave me confidence. Much to the amusement of my "running buddies" and my friends, I would not stray from the plan lest I not be able to accomplish a workout. The plan had four levels and each time move up a level I felt a little nervous. But each time, I did it. And in twelve weeks, with three work outs a week I trained my way to being able to run a 5K without stopping! I cried after I ran my first 5K race (but I often cry when I'm happy). I used chant to myself when I was running and heaving and wanting to quit "you will get faster, you will get stronger. it won't hurt so much..." I would repeat it over and over again. Even though I had made my goal of running the 5K I didn't feel much faster but I felt a little stronger.

Last summer, on our family vacations, I was that girl who got up early and took a run on the beach. I was so proud of myself. Now when I'm a little miserable during a run, I remind myself that finally I am becomming, in this way at least, the kind of person I always have wanted to be. For me, this is a big huge growing edge. And I am so thankful.

This winter I registered for a 10K race in June. Having never actually run 10K in one shot it's a decent goal for me. Also, I want to run those 10K's at a 10 minute mile pace. Really, I'd like to go a little faster so I can hit 60 minutes as a race time. This part is a HUGE goal for me, but after today, for the first time I think I really may be able to do it. I hurt my leg on Christmas, so I'm just getting back to running, but I had a pretty crazy fall and let's just say I wasn't too committed to my sport even before I was injured. I've been back at it for about a month.

Last week I ran around a local lake with a couple of teammates. In general, it's safe to say they are faster than me; significantly so. They ran speed intervals while I plugged around the lake with my goal being to make it all 4.7 miles without walking. They kept coming back to check on me, which was awesome because having company always rocks. I ran my fastest time around the lake that day- 48:33. I was so happy. Previously my fastest time had been around 51 minutes. I finally felt like I was getting faster.

Today I ran around the lake with my good friend and teammate, one of the girls who I ran with the previous week. Carin paced me around the lake, and I pushed myself just a little harder than usual. Today I ran my fastest time around the lake. 46:27. Go me. Thanks for the help, Carin.

Finally after all this time, I believe my ability to run. I will get faster! And now, I actually believe I might be able to make my race goals in June. This feeling for me is HUGE. In a few more weeks, I'll be ready to add "speed work" to my routine. Right now I'm just working to get in four runs a week. I am faster. I am stronger. Sometimes it still hurts, but not so much, and it doesn't make me as miserable. I am so glad I found my running friends. I am so proud of myself. I love being the kind of girl who runs on the beach. It is so good for me in so many ways.