Monday, February 25, 2008

Allright so I did my first training run for the GW Classic 10miler. Andrea (the saint) helped me create a schedule, so that I can hopefully achieve my goal of running the 10miles in 80minutes. I'll be sending out an email to our group to see if anyone wants the schedule and Andrea said it is easy to tweak based on your goal.

Anyway, I'm kinda freaking out now that I've actually put it out there because what if I can't do it. I know that I've done faster miles, but only for shorter distances. And my normal running rhythm is 8:15's not 8:00minute miles. I'm too competitive with myself and if I don't do it I'm going to feel like a total loser. I'm trying to get these thoughts out of my head so that I can really focus on the training, which I'm sure will make me a stronger runner. Okay only positive thoughts - I can totally achieve this goal!!!! I know that you all are not neccessarily trying for the same time, but I hope that we can hook up for some of the longer runs even if we don't run together the whole time. And there are several shorter runs 2-4mi. that need to be done at 9:30 pace too!

1 comment:

cjamern said...

I would LOVE to see your training plan. I ran my first 10-miler last Oct (the Army 10miler) in 1:38. My goal for my next 10-miler (the Cherry Blossom and the GW Parkway) is 1:20 as well. I'm pretty sure I can do it, considering my pace has improved quite considerably since last fall. See you at the GW parkway- I believe Andrea is setting something up for the SMR teams to meet! Hope to hear from you!
